cs01 - cats hats gowns "10,000"

cs-01  Cats Hats Gowns



1 - retrouvée au cœur du mouvement (03'08")
2 - alors que je rentrais d'afrique (02'32")
3 - filmer la poussière (03'37")
4 - le vent la réveille (04'15")
5 - tu ressembles à rien (04'49")
6 - tranquillement assis (07'42")
7 - il se passe toujours quelque chose (05'51") 

Improvised & recorded in 2007 by
Yvan Duhamel, guitar
Guillaume Eymenier, guitar
mastering by Cedric Pin 
foto by Yvan Duhamel, design by Cédrick Eymenier
digital bandcamp
CD (100 copies)

10 000  is a collection of instrumental bedroom recordings by two French improvisors: Yvan Duhamel and Guillaume Eymenier, aka Cats Hats Gowns. Exclusively based on electric guitars, the seven (aptly titled) dialogues sound like a memory-based exploration of mental miniatures, recalling wash tint landscapes and pointillist abstractions in slow motion. The palette of sounds used by the two musicians can successively (or simultaneously) evoke Mick Turner's eerie rollercoasters and Loren Connors' poignant driftings, if not early Labradford's lunar soundscapes. Highly recommended! - Maxime Guitton (aka ali_fib).